Sasquatch Strength
Beyond the Daily Grind
Beyond the Daily Grind

The Importance of Rest in Your Fitness Routine

It is a common misconception that you need to do hard strenuous workouts every day in order to make progress towards your fitness goals.

Why does this misconception exist? Here’s five reasons that play into that misconception.

5 Things that promote the misconception you need to work out strenuously every single day:

  1. Fitness Industry Promotion: The fitness industry, including gyms, trainers, and even some fitness influencers, often promote the idea that daily workouts are essential. They may emphasize daily exercise to encourage more gym memberships, personal training sessions, or sales of workout programs and equipment. If someone (besides your doctor) is telling you need to do intense exercise every day, they’re probably trying to sell you something. 
  2. Misinterpretation of Intensity: People often equate daily exercise with higher intensity or more effort, believing that working out more frequently will lead to faster results. In reality, not taking time to recover leads to working out at a much lower intensity and slower or no results. Intensity is how much effort you put into a workout. If you’re not giving yourself time to recover your body is staying fatigued and you’re probably moving slower and using lighter weights than if you were recovered. Hitting a workout with as much effort as you’re capable of (speed, weight, skill etc.) and then making sure to recover so you can do the same thing next time will lead to faster results than working out with very little intensity every day. 
  3. Lack of Understanding of Recovery: Most people are not aware of the importance of rest and recovery in the fitness equation. They believe that continuous exercise is the only way to achieve their goals, without recognizing the significance of allowing the body to repair and adapt. 
  4. Influence of Popular Culture: Movies, TV shows, and media often depict fitness enthusiasts and athletes training intensely every day to achieve their goals. These portrayals can create unrealistic expectations and perpetuate the idea that daily workouts are necessary.
  5. Fear of Losing Progress: Some people fear that taking a day off from exercise will lead to a loss of progress. They may worry about gaining weight or losing muscle if they don't work out every day. This fear can drive the belief that daily exercise is a must.

Daily strenuous exercise is not necessary, and in many cases, it can be detrimental to progress and overall health.

Quality Over Quantity. The quality of your workouts is more important than the quantity. Doing fewer workouts but making sure you get the intended stimulus out of every single one will get you more progress than working out every day but going too slow or too light.
A small caveat here: you still need to work out on a regular basis to make progress. Only doing one workout a week is not going to be enough. However, every other day or two or three days on and then a rest day or something like that is sufficient. If you’re hitting 3-4 workouts a week and doing them at the intended intensity, you will make progress. 

Recovery is Essential. As mentioned earlier, recovery is crucial for muscle repair, adaptation, and injury prevention. Exercise causes stress on the body, that stress is what causes the body to develop new muscle tissue and cardio and respiratory strength. If the body is not given a chance to recover and heal the stress from exercise, it can’t do those things. If it can’t do those things you will not see progress in the gym. 

In summary, the belief that daily exercise is necessary for progress is a misconception. Rest and recovery are integral parts of any effective fitness program. A well-balanced approach that includes rest days, good nutrition, and allows the body to recover is essential for long-term progress, injury prevention, and overall well-being.

Yes, doing some sort of physical activity every day is good for your body, but it neither needs to be nor should be high intensity all the time. Taking a walk qualifies as physical activity. Gardening qualifies as physical activity. Chasing your kids around to get shoes on their feet can qualify as physical activity. A balance of high intensity workouts and recovery is what will get you the best fitness results.

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Like with most things, the answer is: it depends. The best shoe for a runner is not the same as the best shoe for a weightlifter. However, for working out in a gym like Sasquatch with a mix of many different movements that train balance and agility as well as strength stability is key. Kettlebell swings, box jumps, lunges, all types of squats – yes even just air squats – require stability to perform safely and get the most out of your workout. A shoe with a flatter, more rigid sole will help protect you from things like ankle sprains, strains, and even fractures that can occur when your shoe doesn’t provide enough stability for your activity. Think about it: if you have to carry a heavy box for several hundred feet do you want to be doing that on a path made out of mattresses? Or one made of solid stable ground? A shoe with a thick cushion on the bottom is not going to provide the stable base you need to keep your feet, knees, ankles etc. safe and stable in the gym. Your feet are your base. Your entire body depends on your feet to stand. If your base isn’t stable, the rest of you can’t be either. What happens if you put something rigid – like a glass of water – on a pillow on your couch? Bet it doesn’t stay standing up very well. That’s why you put that glass of water on a flat stable surface like a coffee table. The following shoes (not sponsored) are some examples of shoes that provide good support and stability: Reebok Nano (any number model) Nike Metcon (any number model) NoBull Project Inov8 F-Lite 245 Cushioned shoes have their place, but they are not a good base for moving weight around or doing anything that requires balance or agility. If you want to get stronger you have to get stable first. The first priority is to protect your joints. To do that, you need to start off with a good solid base.
June 22, 2023
EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption), also known as the "afterburn effect," refers to the increased oxygen consumption and energy expenditure that occurs after a workout. When you engage in intense exercise, such as high-intensity strength training, your body requires additional oxygen to replenish energy stores and restore physiological systems to their pre-exercise state. If you care about losing fat, you can see why increased EPOC is an advantage. Anything that burns more calories without you having to do more work makes losing fat easier. When you exercise, your body utilizes energy from various sources, such as glycogen (stored glucose) and fat, to fuel muscles and keep you moving. Intense exercise can deplete the easily available stored energy. EPOC is the energy needed to replenish those energy stores – like plugging in an iPad to replenish its battery – remove metabolic byproducts, and rebuild muscles stressed during the workout. After an intense exercise session, your body's metabolism remains elevated as it works to recover. This elevated metabolic rate contributes to increased calorie burning during the post-exercise period. The magnitude and duration of EPOC depend on many factors, including exercise intensity, duration, and individual fitness levels. More muscle equals more EPOC. Higher intensity during a workout equals more EPOC. Keep in mind that what “intensity” means varies from workout to workout. On a Squat day “intensity” is usually the weight you use, on Sprint days “intensity” is how fast you can go and maintain it round after round. Long, steady-state cardio workouts absolutely have their place in well-rounded fitness programs (you may notice we do at least one a week most weeks at Sasquatch). However, if that’s all you ever do you will not reap the same benefits from EPOC as when you mix it up with weight training and sprints. High-intensity workouts that challenge large muscle groups (like Front/Back Squats, Deadlifts, Cleans, Snatches etc.) and create a significant oxygen debt tend to elicit a greater EPOC effect. Activities like heavy resistance training (anything with weights), and interval training (sprint-rest-sprint workouts) can result in a prolonged post-exercise calorie burn. A more intense workout means increased EPOC.
June 22, 2023
Increased Bone Density: Lifting weights stimulates the bones to become stronger and denser. The mechanical stress placed on the bones during weight training triggers bone remodeling, which causes an increase in bone mineral density. This is particularly crucial for individuals with osteoporosis, as it helps to combat – and can even reverse – bone loss and reduce the risk of fractures. Improved Muscle Strength and Balance: Weight training exercises target multiple muscle groups, including those around the hips, spine, and wrists, which are commonly affected by osteoporosis-related fractures. By strengthening these muscles, weight training enhances stability, balance, and coordination, reducing the likelihood of falls and subsequent fractures. Enhanced Joint Health and Function: Weight training engages the joints, promoting their flexibility, mobility, and overall health. Regular weight training exercises can help alleviate joint stiffness and pain associated with osteoporosis. Moreover, strengthening the muscles around the joints provides added support and protection, minimizing stress on the joints and potentially reducing the risk of joint-related injuries.
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1. Workout consistently. This one may seem obvious, but it has to be said. The better condition your muscles are in, the less sore they will get. If you workout once or twice a week one time a month, you will never get over the initial hurdle of workouts making you extra sore because your muscles are not used to being used. 2. Get in a good warm up. Give your muscles a chance to ease in to being ready for that tough workout and they will thank you by getting less sore. 3. Do a cool-down. Instead of just stopping abruptly and going home to sit on the couch, keep moving for a short time post-workout. This keeps the blood moving and helps the muscles start to recover. 4. Move Throughout the Day. If you have time for a long walk, awesome! Take that walk. Get the blood moving through those muscles. If you don’t have a ton of time, even short walks around your office/house/yurt/whatever will help get blood moving through those muscles and flush some of that soreness out. You could even throw in some air squats, lunges, and desk push-ups if you really want to get that heart rate up! 5. Sleep! Make sure you’re getting enough sleep for your body to recover. Remember, recovery is just as important as the workouts you do. 6. Get that post-workout protein in. Consuming protein shortly after a workout can help lessen soreness and will help build that lean muscle!
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